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Bagpiper for hire in Orlando, Disney Florida.
Bagpiper for hire for weddings in Tampa and Orlando
Scottish bagpiper, for hire in in Tampa Florida.
Bagpiper for hire in Tampa, Lakeland. orlando Miami, Florida Paul Macleish

Scottish themed weddings are very popular these days.
I probably play 30-50 weddings every year in Florida.
I have performed beach weddings, themed weddings where everyone is dressed in kilts, church and civil weddings.
You can use a piper in many different ways at a wedding.


Examples of how you can use a piper at a wedding:
1. Piping the guests into the church or ceremony area
2. Piping guests in and the Bride and Groom down the isle
3. Piping after the ceremony 
4. Piping at the reception
5. Or, all of the above
I always spend time to sit down, and discuss the options with the Bride and Groom.
The piper should never be center stage at a wedding, and should always look and sound like a professional musician. Pipers should always arrive before the party starts 
and be ready to play when agreed.
I have several Scottish kilt options, these are military, casual and formal dress I also have several kilts. The decision to wear a particular kilt is also something that can be discussed
with the Bride and Groom.
Tunes that can be played at a wedding are also important. Many times I get special requests for tunes not normally associated with the pipes.
If I can, I will add the tunes to the repertoire for the day.
I say ‘if I can’ because some of the popular tunes today do not translate well to the pipes.

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